Removing The Root Of Negativity - Part Three
All Your Enemies Are Within You We've covered our external world and talked about our toxic childhoods and how both contribute to the never-ending negative thoughts and feelings we carry with us every single day like a life sentence. We feel helpless to change it. Or we think it's too hard or that 'this is just the way I am". So today, let's cover the very important information we all need in order to take charge of our thoughts and, thereby, our lives. First, on the most superficial level, replace all the violence, negativity and frankly, stupidity that tv, movies or social media hurl at you from the moment you wake up. There are many, many programs and podcasts, speakers and books that, if used regularly, will automatically change the way you perceive the world. Second, before your feet touch the floor, say a positive statement. A word of thanks, a positive affirmation or just a simple, "All is well" will set the tone of your day. All you have to d...