
Showing posts from 2019

Are We Ever Truly Over Codependency?

The short answer is - no. Like an alcoholic who's been in recovery for twenty-seen years admits he is still an alcoholic, we will always have to watch our thinking and behavior.  Being codependent isn't like having the flu. We can't take a pill or stay in bed and wait for it to be over. It's not even like suffering with a bout of deep depression, which we know from experience will eventually pass.  Codependent thinking and behavior are who we are and the way  to overcome them is to gradually learn new ways of thinking which then affects our behavior regarding triggers. Triggers can be situations that take us immediately to a place of feeling like we're about to be abandoned or disliked. Two unbearable beliefs for people who live to please others for the sake of acceptance. Or it can be our own unstoppable urge to keep doing something until it's perfect. Or behaving in a way that shows we have absolutely no boundaries. It manifests in fits of rage, jud...